
The all important liver, and back pain?

Let’s talk this week about your liver and its role not only in your entire body, but also for those with back pain.

The liver is one of our indispensable organs. Other than the skin it is the largest organ in our bodies. It is responsible for a large portion of our biochemical processes. It not only manufacturers/stores substances, but breaks down food, and detoxifies our bodies. Here are some of it’s roles:

– Can lose up to 2/3 of its cells without compromising its function

– best known for its ability to filter chemicals, toxins, hormones, and other waste products out of the blood

– When healthy filters 1.5 quarts of blood per minute

– synthesizes large amounts of cholesterol and other lipids

– plays a significant role in conversion of glucose and protein into fat

– storage for vitamins, minerals, sugar, iron and other compounds

– plays a role in immune function by releasing igA into the GI tract

– produces bile for storage in the galbladder

– helps produce energy through oxidation of triglycerides

That’s a lot right? And it’s constantly working, so if it is dysfunctional even slightly, it can cause symptoms such as digestive disorders, accumulation of toxins, fatty acid deficiencies, skin rashes, and others.

There are toxins all around us. GMO’s in our foods, plastic water bottles, synthetic hormones, beauty products. Literally everywhere, so our liver is working working working. Our liver is very smart and if it is starting to fill up it prioritizes in our body the things it needs to filter and hold on to, and the things that are not detrimental to survival to leave in our bloodstream. What happens most often is that the harsh chemicals we consume or breathe in are taken into the liver to be filtered, and the excess hormones we use, or eat, ect. are left in the blood stream. This being because excess estrogen isn’t going to kill us, it will just give us symptoms. So, it just floats around in your bloodstream, piling up.

This can cause tons of problems from fertility issues, hormone imbalances, menopausal symptoms, men with estrogen dominance, inability to lose weight because can’t digest fats, an inability to excrete metabolic waste, ect.

What are some causes of Liver Dysfunction?
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Bad fat consumption
  • Refined Foods
  • Obesity
  • Free radical exposure
  • Solvent, chemical, toxin exposure
  • Iron overload
  • alcohol
  • excessive toxic burden
  • birth control/exogenous hormone use
Symptoms of Liver Dysfunction
  • Intolerance for fatty foods
  • Ocular Headaches
  • Sensitivity to smell, cologne, exhaust, ect.
  • Hemorrhoids or varicose veins
  • Rectal itching
  • Alcohol sensitivity
  • Lipomas or other fatty tumors
  • Depression/mood changes
  • Rosacea
  • Increase food sensitivities
  • Brown spots on skin
  • Flushed face
  • Coated tongue
  • Excessive sweating
  • Blood sugar problems
  • Abnormal absorption of fats
  • ANGER (i’ll speak on this in a moment)**
  • Foggy brain
  • overheating of the body
  • weakened immune system
  • hormone problems
  • constipation
  • inability to lose weight
  • cellulite
  • lipid panel changes (most all elevated lipid panels are poor liver clearing)
  • Itchy skin
  • body odor
  • red palms and soles of feet
  • mid back pain ( The liver’s nerves are connected to the Pec muscles and the rhomboid muscles) ! **

If your fat panel was high, always look at the liver because that is where you break down fats, if it’s not working adequately then your fat levels will be increased!

The galbladder is also a very vital organ, and attaches to the liver. It secretes what is called bile that emulsies your fats so that you can digest them, as well as lubricates your GI tract. All the reasons for liver dysfunction is true of the galbladder, but one in particular that’s the most common is STRESS. Stress can spasm up the gallbladder and not allow it to secrete bile then it backs up and people start developing gallstones, which are very painful. Your galbladder is a vital organ though, so those that have it removed need continual support to digest fats.

Symptoms of Gallbladder dysfunction
  • Pain between the shoulder blades
  • Motion sickness
  • History of morning sickness during pregnancy
  • itchy or peeling skin on feet
  • dry skin
  • bitter taste in mouth after meals
  • inability to eat greasy foods
  • tan or light colored stools
  • bloating/indigestion
  • nausea
  • headache into the right side of the head and eye, and right shoulder blade, right leg pain
  • Knee pain**
  • Low back pain ( The galbladder’s nerves are associated with the iliacus which is a low back stabilizer, and popliteus which is a knee stabilizer)**
  • Right thumb web tenderness

** Let me briefly discuss these two points.

First, the feelings of anger and resentment. How could these be caused by the liver/gallbladder? Well each organ holds different emotions. In particular if you have an emotional stresser, and either of these two emotions come into play, it will effect the performance of these organs because your body is internalizing them. That is one reason why the gallbladder can spasm up.

Second the mid back , low back and knee pain. The same nerves that go to these organs goes to these muscles as well, so if the organ isn’t functioning for whatever reason whether it’s stress, or liver toxicity, hormones, ect. these muscles won’t function optimally and will fail to stabilize giving you pain. I see this everyday. An increase of low back pain or mid back pain or headaches because these two organs aren’t functioning optimally. Stress and nutrition play a huge role in function, so if your injuries or pains aren’t healing within a few weeks and keep coming back, you most likely have an underlying issue going on.

How to fix liver dysfunction?

The best way to clear any hormone imbalance, digestion issues, or any of the above symptoms is to detox your liver/gallbladder. Because it is constantly working for us to help prevent toxic loads, it needs help in clearing out all the bad stuff, so that it can start with a clean slate. I personally like the 21 day liver purification program by standard process, that is what I use. I do at least one cleanse a year.

If the stressor is emotional, neuroemotional technique done in the office helps to relieve the stressors and make your body okay with the stress you are having currently or past memories. This is vital for any chronic condition in order to fully heal.

Finally, with chiropractic care, there are spinal levels associated with certain organs, and calming down these systems can help relieve organ stress. What is more common though is organ dysfunction affecting spinal function!

If you are suffering with any of these conditions or chronic pains such as low back pain, shoulder pain, headaches, nausea, ect., you can be suspicious that it is the liver/galbladder. I find more issues with these organs and the stomach than any other for chronic body pains.

Almost any condition whether its menopause, fertility, gut dysfunction, PMS, blood sugar handling, ect. all start with clearing of the liver. Without it being clear you can’t get rid of anything.

If you need more help, BOOK HERE 

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