
Are cellphones decreasing your brain function?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this is a topic that will most likely be highly talked about in the years to come, because of the increase in technology and particular, in our kids.

I’m sure you all know about how when cigarette’s came out in the 1900’s there were questions about the health risks, in the 1960’s there was evidence, but it wasn’t until the 70’s and 80’s that it was denied, and 2007 when it was banned. Well, likewise because the cellphone and data industry is so HUGE and money making, the evidence of its potential harm has been put by the wayside.

I am going to be referencing from the book Disconnect by Devra Davis.

Did you know that cellphones have radiation similar to your microwave? It is the same type of wavelength, and similarly you are putting a microwave to your body everyday. When you put water in microwaves, it doesn’t change any function of the water or hurt the water, however we as humans are made of water AND tissue. The microwaves don’t hurt the water in our body, but they hurt the tissue. What these waves do is cause cellular changes in our body.

A study was done on rats, in which rats were trained to go through a specific course, swim through water and get to another side. This was done over and over until a pattern was set in place, and they could easily manage the course. Then a baby monitor (which is microwaves) was exposed to the rats for two hours. The results? The rats went through the course but when they got to the water, they couldn’t swim, they forgot how to do the course!

The studies are showing that exposure to these waves can slow cognition, memory, give you a foggy brain, cause dementia and sometimes even tumors where cell phones were constantly held to the body. In addition, in little boys where the phones were constantly placed near their lap, showed a decrease in sperm count. I’m sure parents would never want this for their children.

Now think about all the time kids nowadays are spending on cell phones, apps, games, ect. How much are we inhibiting their memory which is vital to their growth? I should say that this is the cellular data function that causes the radiation. We can’t escape wifi it is everywhere, and wifi isn’t as high of radiation, it’s the data that is the issue.

So, we all just stop using phones right? That would never happen. I myself need my phone, it is vital to my work, but there are things that we can do to decrease the exposure.

  • Don’t always keep it on your body. There have been cases of women having breast cancer because of constantly holding their phone in their bra. Or men with prostate cancer when they constantly had their phone on a belt.
  • Move the phone as far away from you as you can , at least 4 feet from body when you aren’t using it.
  • When you go to bed, turn off your phone or keep it on airplane mode. You can still use your alarm when it’s on airplane mode. Don’t sleep with your phone under your pillow, keep it at least 4 feet away.
  • If you are constantly on your phone for work, consider getting a headset, or a get an old fashioned actual phone with the cord!
  • Try to avoid baby monitors
  • Women who are pregnant, don’t leave the cellphone on your belly. The cranium of an infant is really thin, and can be penetrated really easily. Don’t microwave your kids!
  • Have your kids only use an ipad or cellphone when you have wifi. Otherwise entertain them other ways. Books, play outside, crafts, these activities create pathways that enable their minds to grow.
  • Stop using your microwave. Get a toaster oven! Microwaves kill most the nutrients in your food anyways.