
Skin and gut health, and choosing a mate?

So, in my research that I have been doing lately, I have been finding out some interesting information and thought you would all be interested in hearing it. As some of you know, or might not know, our GUT is one our biggest immune systems. However, with our classic American diets, sugar and inability to digest our food properly, that immunity gets compromised. Our SKIN in turn, is another barrier for our immune system. It keeps bad things out and good things in, but also has a close communication with your gut.

We all have heard about pheromones right? The chemical that attracts us to the opposite sex. Well did you know that it comes from bacteria that live on our skin? Their are tons of good bacteria that live on your skin and protect it. Additionally, the hair follicles on the skin protect the skin and bacteria in having a better environment. These good bacteria secrete pheromones that attract other good bacteria on another person. However, when we wash our bodies too often or put smelly lotions, perfumes, deodorants on our skin, this inhibits their ability to communicate with one another. Not to mention these products have chemicals and synthetic estrogens that disrupt our hormone functions.

Let me share with you an interesting study I found on the mating of fruit flies. Two groups of fruit flies were given two different diets. One was deprived of proteins and was more junk diet, and the other was a more balanced diet. The were then put into an environment for mating (who knows how they measure pheromones of fruit flies?? Who wants that job??). Those with the deprived diet had lower pheromone production, and had a decreased likelihood of mating. While those on the balanced diet produced sufficient pheromones and were able to mate and attract without any issues. They did this through multiple generations of fruit flies, and found less and less likelihood of those offspring having attractions. They then changed the diet back to the balanced diet, and the rates started to change. They now all had equal chance of mating. Interesting right? That’s because our gut health makes those bacteria thrive and secrete the pheromones.

What does this mean for our future mates?? Well, maybe just maybe we can be deceived into choosing our actual mate. Because women and men in general are obsessed with lotions and perfumes and things of this nature, we would be missing the actual connection with the pheromones. Now i’m not saying, don’t shower and be a hippy. I’m just saying there’s too much emphasis on beauty and having to look and smell a certain way. Additionally, there are substances that can be transferred from person to person through the skin. Say per say, a woman in a relationship is on birth control, or a man in the relationship is on testosterone, any skin to skin contact with this person (usually through sweat) can transfer that hormone to the other person. That is why we are seeing more men with estrogen and more women with testosterone imbalances.

Moral of the story?? Keep your toxic loads low. Gut health is extremely important for a lot of our functions not only just pheromone secretion. Additionally, stop using all these chemical substances. There are so many hormone imbalances because of all the synthetic estrogens in food, beauty products, water bottles, soy ect., and your liver gets tired of trying to get rid of them all the time. There are many natural alternatives to these, and moderation is always key. Plus, you could be missing out on Mr./Mrs. Right?