
The Seven Essentials for Wellness

Health is a big topic, but your health does not only affect you it also affects others around you. Everything that we do in life whether it’s what we value, the relationships we have, our energy, success, family. These are all supported by our health.

However, in the toxic world that we live in it’s seems daunting to achieve optimal health right? With all the pollution, chemicals in the air and food, stressors, ect. it is hard to gain optimal health without knowledge of HOW to achieve it. It’s not easy, as nothing ever is, but here are seven essentials that can give you the best bet at gaining optimal wellness.

  • Let food be your medicine.
    We know that food has a huge impact on our genetic expression and it has the ability to turn on and off specific genes. Food fuels our cells and organs, so if we are putting junk in our bodies, then what will we get back? Dead food results in toxic bodies. Fill your plate with whole organic foods, that can help prevent so many things.
  • Detox.
    We live in a toxic world we can’t deny that. However, there are things you can do specifically to help support those detox pathways in your body, and prevent all the toxins from entering. Detoxing the liver and colon play a huge role in improving health. But, there are also ways to reduce toxins in your home, what you eat, ect. It’s important to do things everyday to detox your body, but also doing at least one cleanse a year is vital for optimal function.
  • Balance your energy.
    We are in itself energetic beings. From our heart pumping to our nervous system firing, its important to keep these energies flowing. How do we do that? Chiropractic, exercise, getting proper sleep, making sure that your hormones are balanced because hormones play a huge role is so many of our functions. These are all ways to help keep the energy flowing and balanced.
  • Heal your emotional wounds.
    There is so much evidence that emotions can give physical symptoms. Your cells can actually hold onto emotions, and we can even pick up on our mothers emotions in the womb! You can never fully heal from a chronic condition if you are still harboring emotional wounds. That is why we use NET in the office so often, because emotions play a huge role. But also, learn to nurture yourself, to love yourself, to forgive yourself and others. Manage your stress better, and let go of the past, because those emotions you harbor are hindering your immunity and health. With this you have the power to impact your DNA.
  • Biological dentistry.
    Your teeth have a huge impact on your health. Your teeth are connected to your organs through what is called your meridian system. So a root canal in one tooth can have an effect somewhere else in your body, they are not separate parts. If you have improper bite or are clenching this can significantly affect these pathways as well. Additionally what you have in your mouth affects your health because if you have toxic amalgams in them it’s creating toxicity in your body.
  • Herbs and Vitamins.
    Of course optimally we want to get all of our nutrition from our food, but it is not always achievable for some. There are certain herbs and vitamins that have the power to work with these detox pathways, fight infections and boost immunity. Digestion plays a huge role in our immunity, and many are deficient in specific enzymes and good bacteria that they need extra support. Using plants and herbs for health goes back to the Egyptian and Persian dynasty, so it’s no secret the power of natural remedies. What’s better is that they are natural from the earth, so they don’t harm your natural cells in your body unlike most pharmaceuticals that are man made and come with a myriad of side effects and toxicities.
  • Allergies and Sensitivities.
    Food allergies and sensitivities are becoming more and more common as the food industry processes and modifies our food. These foods are foreign to our bodies and create inflammation and sensitivities, as well as mood and behavior changes. Certain foods are no longer allowed at schools, and this is because our digestion as a society is totally messed up! Whether from the food we eat, or the toxins that are put into our bodies (vaccines included), we have lost the power to digest properly. Healing the gut is always step one in any condition, but if there are additional food allergies it is important to find out what they are in order to create optimal digestion. Food allergy testing can be really helpful in avoiding the foods that inflame you the most. I also find people are allergic to certain dental materials as well, which when placed in your mouth can hugely impact your health without you knowing.